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The 10th Asian Constitutional Law Forum

We are pleased to announce that the 10th Asian Constitutional Law Forum (ACLF) will be held in Hong Kong on December 9-10, 2024, under the auspices of the University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Law and its Centre for Comparative and Public Law, with the support of the Association for Asian Constitutional Law Studies. The event is also part of the celebration of the 55th anniversary of our Faculty of Law. The overarching theme of the Forum is “Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21st Century“. We are honoured that Professor Cheryl Saunders, Professor Gerald Postema and Professor Han Dayuan have agreed to deliver the keynotes for us at this Forum.

The ACLF is held once every two years under the auspices of the Association for Asian Constitutional Law Studies. Our Faculty of Law hosted the 4th ACLF in December 2011; the Institutum Iurisprudentiae of the Academia Sinica in Taipei hosted the 9th ACLF in May 2022. The Forums provide a forum for dialogue among scholars interested in constitutional law, constitutional theory and constitutional developments in Asia.  


The 10th ACLF (“the Forum”) will be divided into plenary sessions and parallel sessions. We now invite proposals to present individual papers, proposals for fully-formed panels, and applications to simply attend the Forum. Please see “Call For Papers” for more details on submission.


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Conference Management Committee

Albert H Y Chen is a prominent Hong Kong legal scholar. He graduated from HKU, earned an LLM at Harvard, and joined HKU's faculty in 1984. Chen has authored over 200 publications on Hong Kong's legal system, rule of law, and constitutional law. He has held leadership roles at HKU and served on key Hong Kong government committees. Honored with the S.P.S. and G.B.S., Chen is a member of academic advisory bodies in Asia.

Cora Chan is Professor of Law and Director of the Centre for Comparative and Public Law at the University of Hong Kong. She specialises in public law and has written on proportionality, judicial deference, national security and human rights, and China-Hong Kong constitutional relations, amongst other topics. She is the author of Deference in Human Rights Adjudication (Oxford University Press, 2024). She was a member of the General Council of the International Society of Public Law and served on the law panel for the 2020 Research Assessment Exercise conducted by Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee.


Stefano Osella is Assistant Professor at the HKU Faculty of Law. He is a comparative public lawyer with wide-ranging interests in socio-legal theory, law and anthropology, human (particularly socio-economic) rights, and gender and the law. His primary focus is on the ways gender identity and sexual orientation are embedded and presupposed in constitutional law. More recently, Stefano has started researching the concept of care within constitutional law. He has published extensively on these topics, and his articles have appeared in top-tier journals such as the International Journal of Constitutional Law and the German Law Journal, among others.

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